Troubleshooting Installation Errors
PHP installation is missing the 'mysqli' extension
In Windows
Uncommenting the following line in php.ini file will in most cases solve your problem:
In Ubuntu, Xandros or other Debian distribution
Run the following in console:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
For Redhat/CentOS Linux
Run the following in console:
sudo yum install php-mysqli
Don't forget to restart your web-server after this operation.
Click here for additional information
PHP installation is missing JSON functionality
In Ubuntu, Xandros or other Debian distribution
Run the following in console:
sudo apt-get install php5-json
For Redhat/CentOS Linux
Run the following in console:
yum --enablerepo=remi install php-pecl-jsonc
Don't forget to restart your web-server after this operation.
Directory "DbNinja3/_users" cannot be written
If you are using shared hosting
Use your FTP client or management panel to set permission value 775 to
directory dbninja/_users
directory dbninja/_users
If you have administrative control over your server
Open console, change path to the directory where DbNinja resides and run the following:
In console, run (we assume that you are using Apache, Lighttpd or ngnx web server):
If the problem persists, contact and we will try to help.
sudo chmod 775 dbninja/_users
Go back to DbNinja setup wizard and click "continue". If the problem persists, do the following:In console, run (we assume that you are using Apache, Lighttpd or ngnx web server):
ps -eo ruser,rgroup,command |egrep "apache|ngnx|lighttpd" |egrep -m 1 -v "root|grep"
The output should be similar to:
www-user www-group /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
Run the following command, replacing USER and GROUP with the first and second words from the output above:
sudo chown -R USER:GROUP dbninja
Go back to DbNinja setup wizard and click "continue".If the problem persists, contact and we will try to help.